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The author analyzes the payment processes of pensions, salaries and social benefi ts to soldiers and their families in the USSR, Third Reich and Great Britain during World War II. The author tries to compare payments to soldiers who served in the armies of those countries. Moreover the author compares and analyzes social benefi ts provided to families of military personnel and food prices in the USSR, Germany and Great Britain. The article also shows the regulation system of paying social benefi ts. The author concludes that the average amount of social benefi ts was not high enough to ensure an adequate standard of living, besides a lot of families faced misunderstanding and administrative barriers.


World War II, social policy, military personnel families, monetary allowances, pensions, social benefits

Artem E. Lubeckiy. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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