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Communicative and social aspects of tolerance are studied in this article. Tolerance in the social aspect assumes a moral activity, responsibility in accepting of moral decisions, sociability in expressing the moral position, social activity on the basis of a dialogue due to the usage of methods of explanation and persuasion. Tolerance in the communicative aspect identifi es the subject behavior which leads to congruent communicative result. The aspects do not exist separately. The communicative aspect in conversation constitutes the plan of expression of category of tolerance, the social aspect – the content plan. The cooperation of two tolerance plans exists due to topos – a means of forming attitudes among people with the help of speech which is usually built on the basis of audience values. It is productive to examine the studying of values which the subject of political communication aims to approve in society on material of slogans of political parties and social movements. Such genre gains a reputation of an effective persuader. The distinctive features of slogans are clarity, all-clearness, catchiness, brevity and an easy memorability. The slogan texts provide an ideological knowledge about the political views of representatives of a certain political party and social values which politicians are going to establish in society. Topoi are possible to determine in slogans while analyzing topically relevant nominations. They are united in groups with the general semantic centers. The study of slogans has shown that the authors of this research turn to the topoi of welfare, community, legality, solidarity, fairness, freedom, peacekeeping, development of social order, dignity and love. The appeal to positive moral values of social system in texts of slogans of political parties and social movements of Russia confi rms the tolerant installation assuming interaction and maintenance of the cooperative beginning in communication.


Tolerance, linguistics, genre, slogan, political parties, civil social movements, values, topoi

Oksana E. Chernova. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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