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The article covers a problematic passage in the Satrap Stele of 311 BC (Urk. II. 15). The author gives proves for the toponym pA tA n #Ar.w to be translated as Phoenicia and confi rms the hypothesis that the passage tells about Ptolemy I’s campaign in the Eastern Mediterranean in 312–311 BC. A special signifi cance of this campaign in Ptolemy I’s propaganda is stressed. The author suggests a connection to exist between the Satrap Stele and the Oracle of the Lamb (a prophetic text possibly composed during the same period). The mentioning of a saviour king of 55 years is juxtaposed to the fact that in 312 BC Ptolemy was 55 years old. The composition of the passage of the Satrap Stele being discussed shows that the passage tells about two episodes of the same campaign. The statement about capturing and withdrawal of civilian population is linked to the data of the classical tradition about the deportation of the Jews to Egypt accomplished by Ptolemy I. The reading of the toponym irmrA as mrmr.tyw “marmarians” is called in question and consequently the hypothesis of a suppression of the Cyrene uprising to be mentioned in the text. The analysis of phonetic data as well as the peculiarities of the hieroglyphics of the text makes it possible to substantiate a reading of the word in question as iAmr.w „the Amoreans“. An anachronistic use of this ethnonym is put in connection with an interest in the Egyptian history of the II millenium BC typical for the early Ptolemaic period and also to a possible use of the texts from the temples of the New Kingdom period in Medinet Habu.


Hellenistic Egypt, Ptolemy I, The Satrap Stele, The Oracle of the lamb, phoenix, Amorites, Phoenicia, Cyr

Kiril V. Kuzmin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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